Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

A Beautiful Drawing

She writes a deep faithful words to me by refusing what she wants so much. It's truly not because she doesn't want it anymore. She is still yet and always does till the end of her time. But the meaning of what she wants is not more valuable than these togetherness. "Cause for her, if all the painful is to be felt together. So, all the happiness is to be felt together too." 

Rewrite of what I see..
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Jumat, 22 Mei 2015


Today's message we could take "Lebih Lebih lagi menghormati proses. Tidak kemudian lumpuh karena hasil akhir. Segala yang terlintas ketika mata terpejam ialah tentu baik. Namun yang tepat tetaplah apa yang dituliskanNya. Dia tahu hasil akhir yang tepat lebih dari apa yang mampu kamu bayangkan."

Nikmatilah proses. Karena tanpa kita sadari, tiap sepersekian detik yang Ia berikan, ialah lebih dari sekedar semilyar anugerah.

Backsound : Harmony.
Somewhere the voice of inside of me take me to, 22 Mei 2015 00:56.

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